Open Bounties

SLPB-3: Create SWIG CMake targets for gs++ slp_validator

Posted by: Jt Freeman on November 25, 2019 | Project Type: ,

A high performance SLP Validator is in development as part of the gs++ project. We wish to have this validator exposed as a C library (in-progress), with bindings for popular languages. To do this, we want to use SWIG with our CMake build system to automatically generate bindings in a variety of languages.

500+ USDH

SLPB-5: Make SLPDB use ACID transactions

Posted by: Jt Freeman on November 25, 2019 | Project Type:

SLPDB does not currently use ACID transactions when processing, this can cause temporarily inconsistent state and prevents the ability to rollback on error. A previous attempt at implementing ACID transactions was performed which resulted in reduced stability.

500 USDH